πŸ’Ύ OSC-Qasm



developed by πŸ‘€ OCH & πŸ‘€ Paulo Itaborai

A simple cross-platform OSC Python-based interface for executing Qasm code. Or a simple way to connect creative programming environments like Max (πŸ’Ύ The QAC Toolkit) and Pd with real quantum hardware, using the OSC protocol.

OSC-QasmΒ works in a Server-Client logic. The Server side hosts a OSC python server that listens to incoming messages. It expects to receiveΒ OpenQASMΒ (Open Quantum Assembly Language) scripts from any OSC client, describing quantum circuits. Then,Β OSC-QasmΒ executes the assembly code, using either Qiskit’sΒ qasm_simulatorΒ or a RealΒ quantum hardware. The job results are sent back to the same (orΒ another) OSC client. The Client’s tasks are to send OpenQASM scripts to the server using OSC, receive the resulting counts from an executed quantum circuit, and use it in a creative way!

πŸ“ OSC-Qasm_ Interfacing Music Software with Quantum Computing πŸ“ Q1Synth_ A Quantum Computer Musical Instrument


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