πŸ“ Wave Dysfunction - Studio Quantum x CTM Festival


Event Link: https://www.ctm-festival.de/festival-2024/programme/schedule/event/wave-dysfunction [archive]

Audio Recordings: https://soundcloud.com/ctm-festival/ctm-2024-studio-quantum-wave-dysfunction


Wave Dysfunction - by πŸ‘€ Eduardo Reck Miranda & QuTune Collective

The 25th CTM Festival, in collaboration with Goethe-Institut’s Studio Quantum project, has programmed a Quantum Computer Music performance, following up the concert that occurred in 2022 in London πŸ“ Sounding Qubits, For this event, they have also commissioned a magazine article πŸ“° Quantum Computer Music. What the Heck?, which describes the developments made from December 2022 to January 2024.

The music performances ran algorithms in real hardware, as part of a collaboration with IQM in Finland.


Pre-concert talks - 15:00 - 18:30

See the link for the pre-concert event here

Concert - 19:00


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