πŸ“ ISQCMC Berlin




DESY’s Centre for Quantum Technologies and Applications and the University of Plymouth’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR) are pleased to announce theΒ 2nd International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Musical Creativity. The event is scheduled to take place in Berlin, Germany, on October 5th and 6th 2023.

The symposium will focus on the emerging field of quantum computer music, which has been made possible due to the rapid advancements in quantum computing technology. Since the 1950s, there has been extensive research into using computers for music, and today they are indispensable to the music industry. As quantum computing technology continues to develop, it is bound to have a profound impact on the future of music. This symposium will provide a platform for scientists, artists, and technologists to present and discuss their approaches to developing and using quantum computing technology in music.

ISQCMC II is a follow-up from theΒ first symposium in 2021, which resulted in the pioneering bookΒ Quantum Computer Music, published by Springer in 2022.

Conference chairs

Executive team

paper session hosts


🎡 Schweigen

🎡 Rasgar, Saber

🎡 Alice Apple

🎡 ReVeR

🎡 _Equations of Coltrane


πŸ“ Sonifying Quantum Superpositions by Correlating State Probability to Rhythmic Density

πŸ“ Constrained Randomness in Musical Form Using Quantum Computational Algorithms

πŸ“ Towards the Intuitive Understanding of Quantum World_ Sonification of Rabi Oscillations, Wigner Functions, and Quantum Simulators

πŸ“ Physical Models of Quantum Music

πŸ“ Investigating the usefulness of Quantum Blur

πŸ“ Quid Manumit - Freeing the Qubit for Art

πŸ“ Exploration of Quantum Feedback Delay Networks

πŸ“ Sonifying Quantum Decoherence on IBM Quantum Devices_ Mapping T1 Decoherence Values from Microseconds to Hertz

πŸ“ Quantum Harmonies_ An Artistic Exploration of Geiger Counter Measurements and Simulated Quantum Circuitry

πŸ“ Developing Quantum Reservoir Computing as Machine Learning of Music

πŸ“ Quantum Music Generators

πŸ“ Quantum Memory of Musical Compositions

πŸ“ Developing a Quantum Step-sequencer

πŸ“ Quantum Circuit Simulations on Multi-Channel Sound Systems

πŸ“ Variational Quantum Harmonizer_ Generating Chord Progressions and Other Sonification Methods with the VQE Algorithm


The Sound of Molecules

Collaborating Musically with a Hilbert Space (feat. πŸ’Ύ Quantum Playground)


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